Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.
From self-seeking to seeking Self. That is my journey. This is the journey from head to heart. This is the journey from chaos to peace. This is the journey from separation to unity. This is the journey from resistance and fear to acceptance and love. This is where I understand my relationship with my Creator. This is where I understand where my place is with my Fellows. Unique, special and loved on the earthly plane, yet exactly the same in Spirit. Self-seeking slips away because I find myself in You and you. There is no Self without all of you and You.
Thank You Higher Power. Simply Thank You. For the lessons, for the love, for the discipline, for the adversity, for the growth.... Thank You.
Other promises found in the Big Book can be seen here:
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