Monday, May 7, 2012

We Look On Them As Sick People

We have begun to comprehend their futility and their fatality. We have commenced to see their terrible destructiveness. We have begun to learn tolerance, patience and good will toward all men, even our enemies, for we look on them as sick people.  Big Book, p70

The ISM is so sneaky!  You can't smell the ISM like you can the alcohol.  And just because I haven't had a drink today doesn't mean the ISM isn't there.  One definition of ISM is I Sponsor Myself.  This can be true when I ignore my human sponsor or my Higher Power.    Another definition is Internal Spiritual Malady.  When I don't align myself with God's Will, the ISM is sure to announce its arrival and that usually means a dose of humiliation for me.  I Sabotage Myself, Incrediby Short Memory and I/Self/Me are other versions of ISM.  In all cases that ISM spells out to me that I am back on the path of self-will run riot.  If my own disease is so cunning, how can I judge another person?  And if another person is destructive, I have to imagine what is going on inside them.  Afterall, you can only give away what you have and that goes for the disease as well as the solution.

Thank You Higher Power.  Thank You for keeping me in a place of balance with my Fellows.  Thank You for showing me that I am no better than they are and for keeping me from self-righteous behavior today.  Thank You for showing me that I am no worse than they are and for keeping me from putting up a superior exterior.  Thank You. 

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