Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lack of Power

Lack of power, that was our dilemma.  We had to find a power by which we could live, and it had to be a Power greater than ourselves.  Obviously.  But where and how were we to find this Power?  Big Book p45

I just "saw" recently that the book was about this very thing.  The whole objective of the Big Book is to find a Higher Power that can help solve your problem.  I came into the program without any identification with a Higher Power.  The room was my Higher Power for a long time.  Slowly, I began to develop a relationship with a Sponsor and was guided to my own inner intuitiveness (through meditation) that I don't really have a name for.  It takes a lot of practice, just to get still enough to listen to the small voice, especially when my ego chatters. Spiritual practice!  And working the Steps to clear any obstacle out of my way that prevents me from being able to get still.

Thank you Higher Power.  Thank you for providing Divine Guidance and for bringing like-minded people into my life who support spiritual practices.  Thank you for opening my heart to a whole new way of thinking and living.  Thank you.

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