Monday, March 19, 2012

Constructive Action

To be vital, faith must be accompanied by self sacrifice and unselfish, constructive action. Big Book, p93

Vital means "Absolutely necessary or important; essential".  This reminds me that I don't get to keep this way of life unless I give it away.  Working with other alcoholics will keep me sober when everything else might fail.  This means that if I am spouting platitudes, talking about God, but not actually doing anything, then my recovery is on shaky ground.  It is in the reciprocity of love, kindness, etc., that these things become written on our heart and not just in our minds.  This recovery journey takes a long, long time.  Isn't it funny that it is only a 12 inch trip from our heads to our hearts?

Thank you Higher Power.  Thank you for the willingness to help another person.  Thank you for showing me the way of surrender instead of self-will.  Thank you for making me of use to other people.  I pray that I do Thy Will always.  Thank you.

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