Saturday, March 17, 2012

Frothy Emotional Appeal

Frothy emotional appeal seldom suffices. The message which can interest and hold these alcoholic people must have depth and weight. In nearly all cases, their ideals must be grounded in a power greater than themselves, if they are to re-create their lives. Big Book, p xxviii~

My family and friends would often make the frothy emotional appeals described in this passage.  Unfortunately, my family and friends didn't understand that these emotional appeals actually made me want to run deeper and deeper into alcoholism.  The emotional appeals, perceived from my alcoholic mind, were clothed in guilt and self-loathing, as that is how I interpreted what my family was saying. 

The fellowship has given me a taste of the depth and weight.  My fellows have been where I have been and instead of feeling guilt, I felt hope.  I was given a solution and a way out of the misery of my addiction.  I was taught about faith instead of fear.  I was shown little miracles that began to prove to me there was some concept of God I could start to work with.  And my life is a journey of re-creations, re-inventions and it is truly a beautiful ride, even with all of the ups and downs.  

Thank you Higher Power.  Thank you for the understanding I receive in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Thank you for the love I have felt.  These people, with your help, are really shame-busters!  And you are just what I needed.  Thank you.

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