Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nearly All Have Recovered

We, of Alcoholics Anonymous, know thousands of men and women who were once just as hopeless as Bill.  Nearly all have recovered.  They have solved the drinking problem.  Big Book,p17

What a way to start out the chapter on "There is a Solution".  This statement just illuminates the word "HOPE" in big neon letters in my mind as I read these words.

I was of the hopeless variety.  I was spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially bankrupt when I came into the rooms.  The word "recovered" in this paragraph bothers me a little though.  I have heard in meetings that people are "recovered".  I am still working to maintain a relationship with my Higher Power and plan to continue doing so.  Doing what the program asks of me and working on this relationship keeps me on the path of the daily reprieve from the next drink.  If that is recovered, then, Just for Today, I am recovered.  I have found the solution!  For me to assume I am fully recovered and will not drink in 10 years just seems a little bit arrogant and my ego would have a field day with that!

Thank you Higher Power for my not taking a drink today. Thank you for showing me a path to a relationship with you that keeps me from taking that first drink.  Thank you. 

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