Saturday, March 24, 2012

You May Have to Drop Him/Her

If he is not interested in your solution, if he expects you to act only as a banker for his financial difficulties or a nurse for his sprees, you may have to drop him until he changes his mind.  This he may do after he gets hurt some more.  Big Book, p95

Letting someone go is very difficult for me.  I have to remember that my time is valuable too.  When sponsees stand me up regularly for appointed meetings, without a phone call, or when they repeatedly take phone calls from their friends while 12th stepping, etc.  Then there are times where I hear the same sob story over and over and over.  I sometimes have to stop everything and ask them to study the book and come back when they are sincere.  I can't help another person if it is not a priority for them. 

Thank you Higher Power.  Thank you for daily discernment.  I pray that if I can't help anyone today, please don't let me hurt anyone.  Thank you.

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