Sunday, January 22, 2012


To us, the Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. Big Book p46

My sponsor once told me, "a loving person lives in a loving world and a hateful person lives in a hateful world."  If I earnestly seek and I practice Spiritual Principles like kindness, generosity, honesty and humility in all my affairs, then I can let go of ego thought and focus on the Principles.  Notice I use the word practice!  We do not claim perfection.  It doesn't mean the ego thoughts aren't there, it just means that I don't have to focus on them.   When my thoughts start to separate myself from another person, that is when I know it is from ego.  When my ego thought is aimed at another person, especially someone in a meeting, then I know I am in danger. 

Spirituality doesn't separate.  It is all inclusive.

Thank you Higher Power.  Thank you for this day.  Thank you for the smiles and hugs I receive from others at the meetings.  Thank you for showing me, a day at a time, how to stay sober in thought and in action.  Thank you.

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