Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Our sponsors declared that we were the victims of a mental obsession so subtly powerful that no amount of human willpower could break it. There was, they said, no such thing as the personal conquest of this compulsion by the unaided will.  Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Step 1 p22
No amount of human knowledge or willpower will get us through those deep rooted challenges where there is a break in reason, from our limited human perception.  When something deeply challenging and 'unreasonable' happens, such as an accident, a child's death or maybe a termination of employment when you have been doing a 'good job', your first thought might be, "why me?", or "how could this have happened?", or "It doesn't make any sense".  This can signal break in reason where our limited human mind potential cannot understand.  We cannot see the bigger picture.  This is why we need a Power Greater Than Ourselves.  We need to align ourselves with the energies of faith and let go of reason "that last mile".  Only when we place Trust in this Power to comfort, love and guide us, will we be able to let go of our addictions. We cannot do this alone.

Thank you God.  Thank you for that moment of honesty that brought me to the rooms.  Thank you for giving me enough Power, one day at a time, to remain free from the insanity and for releasing me from the mental obsession.  Thank you for the principles of the program that have guided me to rely on you more and on my ego less.  Thank you.

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